Misha and Puff Confetti 16/20

Misha and Puff Confetti 16/20

Sku: 14929    Availability:

Sale Price: $ 69.00

  • Product Description

Product Description

Misha and Puff Confetti 16/20

Misha and Puff
Confetti 16/20 (remake)
Skating pond skirt
Size 18/24

Sparse confetti with very creamy base. Pictures don’t do it justice. Misha and Puff Confetti 16/20Misha and Puff Confetti 16/20Misha and Puff Confetti 16/20Misha and Puff Confetti 16/20Misha and Puff Confetti 16/20Misha and Puff Confetti 16/20Misha and Puff Confetti 16/20Misha and Puff Confetti 16/20